Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's Not Too Late To Start Over

Do you need a fresh start? Maybe your life has been like a treadmill where you’re moving, but not getting anywhere? Perhaps you’re starting over with a new job, a new relationship, an exercise plan or a diet? It’s not too late to start over.

Most of us like things ‘new.’ We love new. We like the new car, the new relationship…We like new and improved. God likes new too. He is into new, a new birth, a changed life. God sees the new in advance. He sees what’s ahead and wants to get us there.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it. I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19

A significant life event can foster a deep needed change within us. It may not be a death, but a death of a dream, the loss of a relationship. No matter how your loss came about  it’s important that we ask ourselves, “How can I start over, where do I go from here?” Is it possible?  Yes, it is possible, it’s never too late to start over!

Many deny the pain in their life and say, “it’s no big deal, I’ve moved on” and pretend what’s in the past is the past, but if we’re not honest with the impact of our disappointment and pain we can never truly start over. The glossing over of our pain can become our ball and chain.

Those who continue to be trapped in their pain can become apathetically stuck. If the masks we’ve been wearing don’t work why continue to wear them? Why not try something new? Isn’t it about time?

Inevitably, we all have to start over sometime in life whether it’s starting over with a new job, a new location, a new community or a new relationship. Some of the changes in our lives we wanted and others we didn’t.  Some of those changes we planned and others weren’t. They just happened.

The Starting Over Workshop has been helping people to start over in life by providing hope and healing for those experiencing divorce, separation and relationship break-up to over five thousand for twenty years.

None of us are exempt in making poor choices. We all make mistakes, but the big question is do we learn from them? Unfortunately, many do not and repeat their past.

If you haven’t attended the starting Over Workshop before maybe you’re thinking would it help me? The answer could be in how you respond to these questions.

Do you have a deep sense of loneliness? Are your depressed and want to give up?
Do you feel rejected, abandoned, and discouraged about your future relationships?
Do you think it’s hard to believe that the best of your life is still in the future?
Do you feel bitter, resentful and angry that things have not gone as you had hoped?
Has your social structure been turned upside down and you lack a means of real support?
Your relationships seem to shipwreck and you don’t know why?

If you answered yes to some or all of these questions you need to start over. There is hope, healing and LIFE and after a relationship ends. Perhaps you or someone you know needs to register today for the Starting Over Workshop in Colorado Springs that begins Monday night February 10the@ 6:30pm.

For more information and to register online click here.  On-site registration and childcare will be available.

